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The Divine as it Encounters Humanity...

The Spirit of God is life unbroken, and as it encounter the vessel that is humans and even animals,
it is refracted as it enters into the vessel. This cause a somewhat distorted view of the reality at the point of entry. The light that fills the vessel is the same as the light from the source, but, because of the distorted view at entry we have to learn not only about the true light and it source, but all about our part in relationship to and with the source.The same is the case as the humans related back to God. Humans do not always know the energizing quality and property as God, and animals and nature geological nature do not fight nor question it. It is only the humans ,even some of the spirit Angels dare question the reality of God...

All that I am saying does not mean that God do not nor will entertain serious from the humans that are created in the
'image' and after the 'likeness' of God. What we must learn as 'children' of God and God's expression in creation, is
that we are not greater that The One that brought us in being.

And of the few things that I am sure of one is that humans have a unique reason, and purpose, for being. Of all the things
that have happen in the part, and in all the encounters that humans have had with UFO's, (Unidentified Flying Objects).
and UO's, (Unidentified Objects), is that when we fight against one another and when we fight against nature, and when
we fight against God we lose.

Please let me know what you think about the things you read hear by emailing me and by signing my guest book.

Wha is supernatural with humans,
is natural and normal with God...

My Encounter with America...

America may be a lot of things, Good and bad; yet, in all that America may be, it is plan for me to see that there is a divine purpose for the very existence of America.

A Map of Africa....

Time was give to us as a blessing, not a curse; always remember that God is both 'time' and 'eternity'.

Like a beautifully crafted building,
it is completed in the mind and on paper before the
physical construction begins; so are we, and even all
creation in the hands of God....

For many people the tree is a powerful
symbol of life...

Like a lighthouse searchinglose sailor, and guiding
them through the rough waters as they journey
home, the light of God, by God's word, God's
Spirit, and other messenger that God send out to help
us, they are our guiding lights.

It has been said that each of
us has two or more Angels that
follow us through this life. I would
not hasitate think that even thoughout
eternity that is a particular relation
with those Angels that have watched
over us in this life.

It is in the the divine plan that family be important in time and eternity

Whe we encouter the divine our lives are never the same after that.
In spite of what we may go through, our lives are filled with purpose and promise. Sometime that purpose and promise goes by so fast that we almost miss it. And there are times when that purpose go by so slow that we sem to , or think we may have missed it.:

To comtemplate the beauty and mystery
and power of God in the simple
as well as in the complex....

When you and I rest in the trust,
honesty and love of God we like
Jesus can feel and see the comfort
of being in the presence of the Angels....

Like the legiondary Phoenix bird, the lives
of so many of us humans are out of
the fires of death and the ashes of
destruction brought back to a new life....
In fact the is the case of every human being
that is brought forth into existence....


Let search the written word,
and let us search each living word,
where ever and in who ever we encounter.
I believe that there is something
about God hidden in everyone
and in everything; and it is up to you
and me to find it. This is not meant to
be pantheistic, it is just that that which is created, has in it a little
bit, at least, of that which created it.

Mother Josephine and Uncle Lewis Smith, Roanoke, in Alabama

The Spirit of God is still, and always
moving over and upon the face of the deep,
over and in the lives of humans, and of all life....

When we encounter God in
the form of an Angel or
messenger, let us, like Jacob
of Old not let them go until
they bless us.....with that which our hearts
cry out for....

What do you think?