About the Imperative: God's prospective....
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Some points About Christian History

The central point of the Christian View of God, man and creation is centered in Who Jesus is, in all His divinity and humanity. I is difficult for many Christians to see and understand the ttry nature of who and what Jesus is.
I am finding out more as I live. The more light I receive on who Jesus is in eternity and in time I can see why so many christians can not receive it. It is a desturbing things to accept that the jesus that we have come to know is so very much more than we have come to know.
To learn of GOD is to be able to accept change, for the GOD who cannot change is constantly changing in our growing minds. The more we learn of GOD, the more we see Jesus, the more we see who we are and the more that we see who we are the harder is is to accept in the light of the present teachings that we have and are subjected to.
The fantastic thing about who we are in God, in Jesus, is that the knowledge of comes as more information about GOD is added to that which we already have. One plus one is two; and when you add any other number to the two it changes thw the outcome.

Photo: Jesus walking on water, the divine in the humanity....
Jesus demonstrated the ability that we i the flesh have when we realize who we are and more precisely who we have inside of us. One of the things is that we can walk literally, in harmony with nature and the laws of Nature. Nature is a part of the creation of GOD and the laws of nature is the life and purpose of GOD acting in and through nature.

About God as God became an Example in the flesh....


My Addresses:
Joseph L. McKnight
P.O. Box 11903
Lynchburg, Va 24506